The Prediction of Next Word in Balochi Language Using N-gram Model


  • Sharan NED University of Engineering and technology



Balochi Language is among the oldest languages, spoken by approximately 10 million people worldwide. The Balochi language has been spoken for a very long period. In comparison to other languages like English, Urdu, French etc. it has a research gap in Natural language processing (NLP). The next word prediction system is one of the techniques of NLP for suggesting standardization and corpus collection.  This research aims to provide a next-word prediction system and a corpus with no ambiguity for the Balochi language. N-gram model for the next word prediction has been utilized, i.e. Unigram, Bigram, Trigram, Quad-gram, and so on. A trained model has been embedded in an application after being evaluated extrinsically and intrinsically. It plays a crucial role in typing through a keyboard and helps users to type faster. Additionally, it helps native users to have fewer typing errors in less time. The results of the research show that Five-gram model has the highest performance of 93% while Quad-gram model has 80% and Trigram model has 76% respectively.


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